Beach Cafe

Anthony’s Beach Cafe is a casual, neighborhood restaurant meant to invoke a visit to classic lakefront restaurants of another era while firmly set in the present. Because most of Anthony’s restaurants are related to a Puget Sound location, I suggested this location should remind guests of the local lake culture of the Spokane region. Localized artwork is used throughout including an impressive photo mural of a classic wood boat from a well known regional manufacturer. The beach ‘fence’ wall uses locally sourced historic photos of Spokane area lakefronts. Whimsical phrases are used as a modern day entablature around the room.

My involvement encompassed all tenant improvements including the overall design, planning of front-of-the-house areas, color and material selection, furniture and fixture selection and specification, custom artwork selection and design, as well as coordination of final the installation.

Architect: Bernardo Wills Architects PC


Budd's Broiler


Space Needle